Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine LearningImagine you’re working your job, getting paid, and living a paycheck to paycheck kind of life, then your credit card is charged 200$ at…Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020
Why Experiential Learning Is The FutureDo you struggle to learn in school? Find out why…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
Meeting the Founder of the Program That Has Influenced My SuccessSuccess is defined differently by different kinds of people. My version of success is probably very different from yours, and it’s…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
Using Sugar To Make Batteries?!We live in an age where our smartphones are an extension of ourselves. For some, it’s the first thing they reach for in the morning and…Apr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaCould the Food You Eat In the Next Couple of Years Be Fake?What if you could have food that tasted better, healthier, and made it possible to solve the problem of not having enough food around the…Jan 18, 2020Jan 18, 2020
How To: Stock Predictor Using Machine LearningStocks are always changing and are very unpredictable, What if there was a way to predict what the stock would be for the next day?Jan 12, 2020Jan 12, 2020
Malaria Detection Using Machine LearningAbout 20,000 Indians die from malaria every year, and about 15 million cases are reported.Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019
Published inAnalytics VidhyaNatural Language Processing: How Computers Learn to WriteComputers are beginning to make sense of the English language using machine learning models, is this useful? dangerous? How does this work?Nov 14, 2019Nov 14, 2019